5 Tips To Double Your Social Media Content in Half the Time

Busy law firms have busy schedules, and carving out extra time to spend on marketing is probably scant, at best. However, building a successful law firm requires that time be allotted for social media posts to engage your viewers, market your business, and grow your audience.

So, what if you could double the content you generate in half the time? Not only is this possible, it’s quite easy to do. Here are 5 tips on how you can double up on your social media content, without taking full time to do so.

1. Schedule Your Social Media Posts

Thanks to scheduling tools like Buffer, you can schedule your social posts. A lot of time is wasted throughout the day or week if you’re logging on for each individual post. By scheduling posts, you can double if not triple the amount of posts in much less time. Plus, you can schedule these posts to go live at the best time slots.

2. Collect Content Every Day

Finding relevant social content to post is time consuming if you’re looking for it at a moment’s notice. So, whenever you come across an interesting email, tweet, video, etc., you can use tools like Evernote to collect the content you want to either share immediately, or schedule to share at a later time. You can also make notes such as, “Shared this link at 10AM on 10/14,” or “Post this on 10/16 following the email blast.”

3. Post Your Content More Than Once

Although you should post original, fresh content as often as possible, you can repost your content more than once. The reason for this is that people check social media at different times on different time zones. Even your local audience may differ, as there are morning viewers and evening viewers depending on individual schedules.

Plus, reshared content may have more of a shot at going viral if it’s posted for everyone to see, and not buried under a heap of successive tweets or feeds.

4. Post Multiple Forms Of the Same Content

Instead of spending extra time generating new content ideas, use your most popular content and reproduce it. If you’ve posted an article that’s getting lots of traffic, turn that article into a video. If you’ve produced a popular video, create an infographic based on that video.

You can keep the topic of the content the same, just don’t replicate the content word-for-word. Each piece of content should have its own spin for originality and SEO purposes.

5. Good Content Doesn’t Have To Be Laborious

Finally, a solid, well-written article is fine to post, but good content doesn’t have to be an extensive project. An interesting photo, an engaging caption or quote, or a quick trivia question for viewers to answer/comment on (even better) are great pieces of content that can promote conversation among viewers—and take you minutes to create and schedule for upload.

How To Nab Your Competitor’s Social Media Followers in 3 Easy Steps

While it does take time and effort to build a healthy following on social media, one way to speed up this process is to convert followers from a fan base that already exists; e.g. your competitor’s.

Before you start thinking this is a shady, under-handed thing to do, it is an ethical practice if you go about it the right way. The trick is to understand what your attorney competitors are doing right on their social pages, and what they may be doing wrong. In this way, you’ll be able to capitalize on ways to attract your competitor’s followers, as well as satisfy your current fan base.

Here are 3 quick and easy steps to gain followers by leveraging your competitor’s social networks.

1. Network With Your Competitors

To gain followers through your competitor’s social networks, you need to start by networking with your competitors. Search Facebook, Twitter, Google+, even YouTube for other law firms—on a local and global scale—that share the same practice area(s) as you. Then, connect with these law firms.

2. Analyze Competitor Activity On Facebook and Twitter

There are several free tools available to help you analyze a competitor’s Twitter or Facebook page; e.g. Fanpage Karma will give you a free analysis for Facebook, and Twitonomy offers information for Twitter.
These analytic tools can give you detailed insight into a competitor’s social media account—such as traffic information, specific posts or tweets that get the most responses, etc.

TIP: You can gain a lot of information by simply watching a competitor’s social activity. For example, are they responding to followers’ questions or comments in a timely manner? Are they responding at all? Do they regularly update their profiles with valuable and engaging content? These are all key factors to pay attention to.

3. Become a Valuable Resource

Taking your new-found analytic information on your competitor(s), use it in a way to position yourself as a valuable resource. If you notice questions are being ignored on a competitor’s page, or aren’t being answered sufficiently, post your own answers, lend helpful advice, etc., in a way that doesn’t overshadow your competitor, but rather provides quality content they’ll be happy to see on their page.

Once you’ve established your firm as a valuable resource in your competitor’s social network, your competitor’s followers will likely start coming directly to your website/blog/social pages instead.

TIP: Don’t be blatant with your posts on your competitor’s pages. Meaning, don’t directly self-promote, or post daily to their accounts. You can establish yourself as a go-to resource subtly, without stealing your competitor’s thunder.

The last thing you want to do is try to adopt a competitor’s page as if it was your own—this is a great way for your account to get dropped or flagged.

For more tips and tricks on social media marketing for your law firm, we’re here to help! Contact one of our legal marketing specialists today.

Water Daily: The Importance of Frequent Use on Social Media

Maintaining your social media presence as a business is an important and often neglected strategy that law firms—especially those that attract clients through online marketing—fail to recognise as important.  Social media can be important for directing traffic toward your website and should be integrated into every law firm’s content marketing strategy.

Millions Use Social Media Daily, and You Should Too.

Social media is more important now than ever. Facebook has a staggering 1.11 billion registered users and Twitter has more than 200 million active users. Focus on one or two social media platforms to spearhead your online marketing efforts and see where your industry’s audience is most active.  Don’t neglect avenues such as Tumblr, Pinterest and Visual.ly, which have millions of users respectively and are good mediums for sharing visual graphics produced by your law firm. The more active you are on social media, the more online conversation you generate about your services and your content.  By generating a buzz about your law firm online, there will be a greater chance that clients will be referred to you via virtual word of mouth and come to trust you.

Discover News.

Making daily use of social media will enable you to keep faster track of new developments in your industry and respond to them or generate content about them quickly and efficiently. Being among the first to break industry news will increase the ability of your content to go viral. Legislation governing Canadian immigration, for example, is constantly changing and social media is an exciting place to stay abreast of updates and reactions to these modifications.


Build relationships with other bloggers and professional organisations related to your industry by sharing their content, by commenting and interacting with their posts, and by asking questions. Direct engagement with other users on the internet is the most efficient way to increase the exposure of your own content and brand.  Join existing online communities or create your own and answer questions by linking back to your content. By establishing thought leadership, followers are likely to refer back to your firm for legal advice and may ultimately retain your services. Failing to acknowledge user comments and questions in a timely manner will stymie your online marketing efforts and reduce your credibility. Potential clients may be disposed to choose a more responsive law firm over yours.

FWCanada is a Montreal-based immigration law firm that provides professional legal services on Canadian immigration. For more tips and updates on Canadian immigration, follow FWCanada on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.

We can’t stress enough how important it is for all attorneys to be active on social media.

Having a presence on the top social sites will allow you to reach new clients and build your reputation as a leading attorney in your specialty.

Check out the infographic below to see what can happen in just 24 hours on social media.

Social Media For Lawyers

How to Use Social Media to Boost Your Law Firm Web Marketing

Social media marketing is a difficult channel for lawyers. You don’t want to present yourself in too lighthearted a manner. However, if you can strike the right tone, direct contact with potential customers can help establish a rapport and encourage people to come into your office. Success stories are also great for posting on social media and winning new clients. You need to tread carefully, however, and create a specific marketing plan for social media. You will damage your brand if your postings are flippant, brief, or boring. Working out engaging content for social media posts can be particularly difficult.

Search Engine Journal has a lot of good ideas this week on using social media for marketing. Search Engine Land and Search Engine Watch also have some suggestions for your social media strategy.

The Dos and Don’ts of Social Media Management

This excellent Search Engine Journal article is a very good place to start. As you read in the introduction of this week’s SEO Trends report, you really have to put together a strategy for social media marketing. One key starting point is to decide which of the wide range of platforms you will use. The ones that are right for you depend largely on your area of legal specialization. For example, those who offer corporate services would probably be better off using LinkedIn as much as possible. This guide also has some good tips on social media management tools.

6 Steps to Creating a Successful Cause Marketing Campaign

Local issues and campaigns are really good marketing tools for lawyers. Small local organizations need legal work and if they are registered charities you can write your work off against tax. Getting involved in local causes will give you attention grabbing content to post on social media. These local organizations are also a good source of links and the people who get involved in a protest or a fundraising campaign are also potential clients for your firm. This article explains how to translate your support for a cause into publicity for your firm.

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A marketer’s 10 step guide to Snapchat

Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat are the new stars of social media. Each of these platforms has more users than Twitter. The only problem is they are image-based and a lot of the people that use them are teenagers posting selfies – which is not a target market that many law firms chase. However, as this article points out, the over-25 sector of the Snapchat user-base is growing very quickly. These users are a rich seam of potential clients that most law firms overlook. Although they require pictures, you can get those from your involvement in local causes. Speaking of Instagram, check out Why Your Business Needs to be on Instagram, to see whether you could make use of that platform.

How to Be Successful in Twitter Marketing

Twitter and Facebook are probably the 2 top platforms that most law firms choose for their social media campaigns. Even though Pinterest, Intagram, and Snapchat have more users, Twitter appeals to law firms, because it has more gravitas. Strategy and commitment are the top two tips here, as with the run down in the first article in this week’s review.

Using popular culture to drive local positioning/

The examples given in this article don’t seem very relevant to law firms. However, it is included here in this review of social media marketing advice to help you think about ways you can piggyback your marketing effort on the back of entertainment events. Although the Pokemon Go example probably won’t be a very good tip for law firms, the UCHealth case study could inspire you to cook up a marketing campaign related to national or local events.

5 Social Media Etiquette Tips for Lawyers

Social media marketing is important for any law firm to thrive in our modern, digital world. The benefits include strengthening your brand, translating “likes” into sales and much more. At first it might be hard to expect immediate sales from social media, but growing your online presence will let more people know about your company. Here are some basic tips to help you get started with using Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social sites.

1. Find your own voice.

Your social media accounts should reflect you and your company. Show your personality, and use social media as an extension of who you are. You want to act like you’re directly speaking with a customer face to face, but on social media. It’s a digital conversation and you do not want to sound like a machine, but rather cultivate relationships that lead to sales.

2. Don’t promote too aggressively.

Talking about your law firm and what you do should only be microscopic on social media. In general, the majority of companies use this rule:

  • 70% should be about sharing useful information with your clients
  • 20% should be about responding to your client’s inquiries such as answering questions or reposting/retweeting posts
  • 10% should be about special offers and promoting your services, etc.

If you over-promote your company on social media, you run the risk of fans unfollowing you.

3. Schedule new posts consistently.

When you have fans that “like” or follow your social media accounts, you want to update them frequently. Begin with 1-2 posts per week, and once you get into the groove of things you can post more often. You also want to make sure that you post fresh content every time. If you do not post consistently, you run the risk of your social media accounts becoming archaic, which could sink your credibility and the public image of your business.

4. Image is everything.

Attach photos to your posts whenever you can on all social media accounts. One study done by the internet marketing company HubSpot, proved that Facebook posts with images receive 53 percent more “likes” than posts that only include text or links. Another astounding fact they found was that image posts attracted 104 percent more comments than posts that only included text or links. By adding images related to your post, it will certainly boost more click-throughs to your website, and that is ultimately the goal of any law firm.

5. Seek out influential people in your industry.

If you’re still unsure about social media marketing, research what others in your industry or niche market are doing. You will be able to see how they are maintaining their social media accounts and also give you ideas. You can also join LinkedIn groups that are tailored to your industry. These groups will often share advice and common knowledge about social media, marketing and everyday business.

Social Media Marketing

Bruce Clay is one of the longest serving SEO gurus and garners a great deal of respect in the industry. Last week, he hosted an online discussion on the impact of social media on SEO, so this gives you an idea of what the great minds think about SEO marketing opportunities in 2015. If you are interested in starting up a social media marketing campaign for your law firm, take a look at the following articles appearing in Search Engine Journal, the Bruce Clay Blog and Search Engine Land.

What Is Social Media Marketing?

Start off your research with this Search Engine Land tutorial on the topic of social media marketing. This is a gentle introduction that points towards other resources on both Search Engine Land and Marketing Land. You don’t have to be technically minded to follow this guide, so if you are a sole practitioner focusing on your legal work, this guide should fit into your busy schedule.

Drive Social, Spike Traffic: Social Media’s Effect on SEO

This article is a report on the Bruce Clay-hosted discussion on social media and SEO. The chat took place over Twitter and the report reads almost like a transcript. If you are not a regular Twitter user, you might find this format distracting. However, persevere, because this discussion might answer some of the questions you have on whether social media marking is appropriate for your legal practice.

Instagram The Fastest Growing Social Network, Facebook The Most Engaged, + More Stats

This Search Engine Journal article reviews recent analysis on the various social media platforms. Many of the stats are already well known – Facebook is the biggest social media site by far, Instagram has the fastest growing community. You will probably end up using several of these platforms in your law firm’s social media marketing campaign, so it is useful to get the run down on each site’s strengths and weaknesses.

Facebook Video Views Are Up 94% In The US, 75% Worldwide

Video is a very powerful marketing tool and by combining the power of video with the power of social media, you could maximize your law firm’s marketing impact. This article reports that more than half of US adults watch videos on Facebook and now more people search for videos on Facebook than on YouTube.

How Social Media Automation Can Cut Your Sharing Time in Half

Technology moves on relentlessly and it seems almost every day new tools and services come onto the market. Social media marketing is such an important strand of digital marketing that there are now a number of tools that support the endeavor. This Search Engine Journal article outlines software that can monitor your audience’s activities and release your saved announcements to optimize impact. Tools such as these are particularly useful to the sole practitioner who needs to be in court, or meeting with clients and cannot sit and watch activity on social media platforms all day.

Digital Data Trends – Search, Social, & Content Fusion

This is the first of two articles on Search Engine Watch this week that will help you link up your social marketing, SEO and content marketing strategies. The article contains lots of infographics, so if you are a sole practitioner or practice manager with little knowledge of digital marketing concepts, you should find this article easy to digest.

Combining Social & Content to Earn Visibility & Earn $$$

This second Search Engine Watch article fleshes out the topic of “fusion,” which seems to be becoming a digital marketing buzzword. The “Determine Goals and Resources” section of this article will be particularly useful to give you topics to consider when formulating a digital marketing strategy for your practice.

How to Combine Your SEO and Content Marketing for Explosive Results

This article at Search Engine Journal has some very good ideas on how to implement a digital marketing strategy that includes both social media and content marketing. Specifically, it draws attention to the fact that Wikipedia and other Wiki sites are part of the social media clan. This is because their content is contributed by the general public rather than by staff. There is a particularly good idea in this article on how to get content on Wikipedia, which is a site with great authority that is a perfect communication channel for a law firm. Comedy Central states that they get 100,000 visits to their website every month just from Wikipedia links, so it is a great free method to draw attention to your firm’s website without having to waste time tweeting obsessively. This article also covers Google Authorship, which is a great way to make stars of your practice specialists.

Social Media Strategies

Social media is a good channel for establishing trust. It should be a useful marketing tool for lawyers. You can establish a rapport with potential clients online and give them the confidence to come in for a consultation. In fact, you could probably do most of your preliminary discussions over the Internet. Despite the obvious benefits of social media, few lawyers have actually mastered it, so maybe it’s about time to take another run at this potential source of clients.

Of all the SEO news sites, Search Engine Journal has a lot of great articles on the topic of social media this week, and we will also take a look at Search Engine Watch.

The Ultimate Guide to Influencer Targeting

A key element that your social media strategy may be missing is “influencer” contacts. An influencer doesn’t have to be someone who leads a large group – it could be a former client. However, the concept of influencers on social media is that they draw the attention of others to your posts and thereby enable you to attract clients to your law firm. If you have been link building for your firm’s website, you will recognize the concept of connecting to influencers on social media. They are like the Webmasters of other sites and a mention from an influencer is like getting a link to your site on an authoritative website.

How to actually engage influencers on Facebook

If your social media marketing strategy isn’t working, it is highly likely that this is caused by your lack of influencer outreach. So, here’s some more advice on how to find those influencers, what topics interest them, and how to get them to give you a mention. You will see a number of tools referenced in this guide. Again, you will notice that this task is a lot like link building. Also, this article has a few tips on social media content that draws those influencers onto your profile – essentially this is like putting your own link on someone else’s Web page. The people who would influence your target market depends entirely on you law firm’s area of legal specialization. Making a list of the types of people who could be influencers for your firm is a good place to start.

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6 Benefits of Facebook Instant Articles

Here is another way in which social media platforms are just becoming like a mini-Web. Just as you need content for your law firm’s website, you also need content for your social media profiles. The Facebook Instant Article format has great potential for lawyers. You could write a series of short encyclopedia-type explanations on different legal terms, or specific laws that impact people and post them here. Obviously, demonstrating your legal knowledge is the first step in establishing trust with potential clients. If they click through to your profile you can get them to see your face, and then start chatting with you, enabling you to establish a rapport.

The Pros and Cons of Twitter Automation

An annoying factor with social media is that your well-honed legal advice can quickly get shoved down the page by lots of other social media marketers posting just after you. This is particularly common on Twitter, where tweets have a very short period of visibility. One solution to this problem is to use a scheduler to time your posts. Smart schedulers detect when the maximum number of your followers are online and then commit your tweets. This gives you a better chance that your followers will actually see your musings at the top of their feeds, rather than having to scroll down – which few people do. However, if everyone uses these tools then there is a massive flood of posts all at the same time, resulting in your posts getting shunted down the page anyway.

Is #Snapchat is More Popular Than Twitter?

A lot of people have doubts about Twitter. They have performed very badly over the past few years, and other social media platforms, such as Pinterest and Instagram have grown bigger, causing many social media marketers to abandon Twitter. The problem for lawyers, through, is that the picture-based format of Pinterest and Instagram doesn’t lend itself well to the marketing of legal services. Now Snapchat has overtaken Twitter as well. This is another picture-based platform, and so also presents problems for marketing legal services. Perhaps a stream of winning clients leaving the courthouse, punching the air might work.

Last week’s big news was Google’s announcement of a major change to its ranking algorithm to enhance the scores of mobile-friendly sites. That news inspired the SEO Trends: Mobile-Friendliness review on the Optimized Attorney Blog. Mobile access and local search are two big SEO topics this year for US lawyers because the majority of you get your clients from your immediate neighborhood and accessing channels that lets potential customers know where you are is a key strategy for local marketing. Social media marketing ties in well with local marketing strategies and so this week’s review explores methods for using social media to find and retain local clients. This roundup includes important news sourced from Search Engine Roundtable, the Quicksprout Blog and Search Engine Journal.

The Google Mobile Algorithm Is Real-Time & On The Page Level

The first important story this week relates to last week’s SEO Trends topic of Mobile-Friendliness. One un-answered question about Google’s forthcoming algorithm change was whether mobile-friendliness would be applied as a scoring factor to individual Web pages, or entire sites. Search Engine Roundtable tends to lean towards more technical information about SEO and this article from that site answers the page/site question about the mobile-friendly update: it’s page by page. This has big implications for your law firm’s digital marketing strategy because it is easier to score big with page rankings through social media than through search engine optimization. Therefore, point you mobile-friendly marketing strategy to social media.

#SMM 101: How to Leverage Twitter For Your Clients

Search Engine Journal had a rash of advice on Twitter last week and this particular article is a good introduction to mobile-friendly marketing through that channel. Apparently, 80 per cent of Twitter access is made through mobile devices, so Twitter might be ahead of Facebook in the mobile-friendly game. You will read about two applications that help you identify and locate potential customers for your legal practice through Twitter.

Get More Conversions Using These 12 Twitter Stats #Infographic

This Search Engine Journal article on Twitter marketing is easy to absorb because it is presented as an infographic. Pick up useful tips on what posting times are best for drawing attention to your law firm, how to get retweets and what content gets people to dial your number.

Twitter-Hosted Video Can Now Be Embedded On Your Website

Video is a great medium for lawyers to establish their brand identity through familiarity. Facebook has expanded its video delivery capabilities to the point that more videos are now accessed through Facebook than through YouTube. Now Twitter is getting geared for video. The main aim of posting tweets is to get people to click through to items on your site – that will also improve your search engine rankings. So, the ability to link items on your Twitter profile to your law firm’s Web pages is a big plus.

11 Tactics to Get More Click-Throughs from Social Media

SEO guru, Neil Patel tackles social media strategies over at his Quicksprout blog. It seems that pictures are key elements to both a Twitter tweet and a Facebook post. The article covers that key factor of post timing and also analyzes the effects of frequency of posts. You will find some handy links to some tools for you to try out. Hopefully some of those tools will give your law firm’s digital marketing effort a boost in local search.

Social Media 101: How to Create Engaging Content

This Search Engine Journal article covers much of the same ground as the Neil Patel article above. Again, there is a strong message about timing posts to maximize visibility. The fact that all digital marketing specialists can’t keep away from the topic of timing shows that this is the attribute of social media marketing that is really giving sites an edge at the moment. So, you should try to research techniques and tools to ace this strategy for your law firm. This article contains links to more tools you can try out for your social media marketing effort.

Facebook Warns Page Owners About Upcoming Drop in Page Likes

This is a quick heads up to you lawyers who focus your digital marketing effort on Facebook. You will probably see your “Likes” count suddenly drop over the next week. Don’t panic. Facebook is rejigging the count to take out likes from inactive accounts.

Changes in Social Media

The social media platforms have all generated news this week. Competition is fierce in this category of digital marketing outlets. The rise of Instagram and Pinterest and the tumble of Twitter earlier this year have caused all social media businesses to go back to the drawing board. The retooling of these companies is starting to see the light of day. Search Engine Watch, Search Engine Journal and the Search Engine Land’s sister publication, Marketing Land are all full of stories of changes in the social media world this week.

Google Phases Out Google+ Even Further – Or Does It?

Google+ was Google’s attempt to trample into Facebook’s territory. Despite several unfair tactics tried by Google to get its social media platform to the top of the pile, the search engine giant seems to be losing interested in its social media sister. You probably have a Google+ profile for your law firm.  Not so long ago, a Google+ presence was a sure fire method to improve your business’s rankings on Google. Now, the main topic of conversation among Google watchers seems to be when the corporation will finally pull the plug on Google+.

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Pinterest Reveals Its User Numbers: 100 Million Monthly Actives

Pinterest is the new dog in the fight that has got all the established social media platforms running scared.  The content curation system still keeps making all the right moves, and scaling to the top of the tree. This report shows that Pinterest is still on its relentless march towards total social media domination. However, it is still difficult to work out how the Pinterest picture-based format could be successfully applied to marketing a law firm.

Advertisers’ Spend On Facebook Retargeting Up 31 Percent YoY [Study]

Retargeting is a very effective method of chasing after casual visitors to your site who don’t buy straight away. This marketing technique should be very effective for law firms and it wasn’t really possible before the Internet. Social media is a particularly powerful channel for retargeting and as the king of the heap, Facebook is the most effective platform for the practice. Here, we read that advertisers are piling into the practice at an increasing rate. This is certainly a trend that law firms should follow.

Facebook Like And Share Buttons To Power Ad Targeting Based On Sites And Apps Users Visit

Here is an improvement in Facebook’s marketing data services, and you can bet that this change will eventually feed through to retargeting methods. Pressing the “Like” and “Share” button on a website, added kudos points to the company’s profile. Now Facebook will collate the button pressing action into a variety of metrics, which it will be able to sell for market research purposes and for retargeting guidance. The information stored with each Like will benefit a range of competing businesses, not just the owners of the site the Like related to. As Facebook continues to improve its advertising services they become increasingly attractive as a marketing channel for lawyers.

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Brands Shifting From YouTube To Native Video On Twitter

This piece of news represents an astonishing swing in the success of two iconic social brands in the fight for advertising dollars. Just last month, some major research reports into ranking factors (Searchmetrics and Moz) illustrated that YouTube so dominates video on the Internet, that there really isn’t any point in posting your commercial videos anywhere else. In addition to that, YouTube has recently started inserting adverts into videos and placing paid positions in the results of searches made within its site. YouTube was good, and had made great strides to become more attractive. Despite all of this, it seems that major brands are now jumping ship and switching to Twitter to showcase their video presentations. Twitter has mainly made the headlines over the past year over its poor performance. It seems the Twitter tide of disaster has turned. So, it is probably time to reactivate your law firm’s Twitter account.

Acing Social Media

You have already read a lot about social media marketing strategies on the Optimized Attorney Blog. However, the field is constantly evolving and it is important to keep up with emerging trends and new tools to keep you law firm’s digital marketing efforts current. Search Engine Journal is particularly rich with advice on social media marketing this week. However,Search Engine Watch has a good article that explains why social media is an essential weapon in your digital marketing armory.

Has Google Turned up Social Signals as a Ranking Factor?

This article explains that social media marketing is not just a method of communication with potential clients for your law firm. In fact, getting a good social media profile will get you points towards your ranking in Google, so it is a good method for SEO as well. The writer refers to a Roadmap tool, but doesn’t include a link or even explain what company produces it, so you won’t be able to check out the tool for yourself. However, the article explains that social media signals seem to have become more important in the core algorithm for Google rankings. Facebook and Google+ are specifically mentioned as sources of ranking points and there is also a pointer in the article that Twitter may soon be up there as an SEO booster.

Find Your Strategy: 6 Actionable Social Media Strategies From Successful Brands

This is quite a long piece and gives examples of social media strategies that worked for a number of companies. You will have to consider your particular practice areas as you read through these tips because not every law firm is the same and reaching out to different types of clients requires different strategies. The first tip involves putting up lots of images on your site. This is a universally good idea, but tricky to work into a legal site. For example, you wouldn’t want to put up pictures of road accidents or events that got a client a restraining order. The tip to feature reviews from clients is a good one, and the use of video in the example given here is also a good idea.

Why You Need a Social Media Calendar and How to Create One

Posting on Facebook and tweeting on Twitter is not as straightforward as it seems. Not only are there particular topics that interest different social groups but there are specific times of the day and days of the week that work best for attracting attention from different types of people. This is a complicated field and there are social media scheduling tools that can post your legal musings at the optimum time. SEO guru, Neil Patel covers this topic with an easy to follow infographic.

Jeff Bullas on Why Social Automation & Acquisition Strategy Matters 

If your eyes are tired, you can listen to this podcast featuring Australian digital marketing blogger, Jeff Bullas. In this discussion, Bullas explains that he gets better responses through Twitter than other social media platforms. He also explains that he posts every 15 minutes. Such a frequency of posts would make tweeting a full time job and wouldn’t give you any time to focus on your legal case work. However, this is where automation, ie scheduling comes in. You can rotate a number of posts and get a scheduler to post them for you.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Twitter Ads for Lead Gen

Twitter has not been doing very well recently and many will tell you that Pinterest and Instagram are the up-and-coming stars of social media. However, the format of Twitter does work well for legal eagles and it is a good outlet to opine and let the public know how successful you are. Pinterest and Instagram are image-based formats and that medium is difficult to integrate into a law firm’s marketing strategy. You can boost your profile on Twitter through advertising and this article explains how it’s done.

Social media is a useful channel for digital marketing and you can use these sites to advertise your law firm, both on a local and a national level. This week’s SEO roundup looks at recent news concerning social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. This reading list will give you a good grounding in the topic of social media and help you to formulate a digital marketing strategy using these sites.

Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal and Search Engine Roundtable provide the news items for this week’s trends on social marketing.

In Q3, Facebook Drove 4x More Traffic Than Pinterest [REPORT]

You won’t get any guidance on how to implement your law firm’s social media campaign from this article, but you will get some direction. Facebook is still by far the largest of the social media sites and this report explains the company’s position relative to the up-and-coming Pinterest.

Twitter Stock Plunges Following Reports Of Declining User Engagement

You may have noticed from the league table in the previous report in this roundup that Twitter is not doing very well. Last week, Twitters own admission of falling user numbers caused their stock price to fall. The difficulty with marketing on Twitter is that messages posted there tend to fade out pretty quickly. So, maybe you would be better focusing your law firm’s social marketing campaign on Facebook.

7 Proven Methods to Explode Your Social Shares

With this article, you will finally get some ideas on how to go about implementing a social marketing strategy for your law firm. The article is written for a general business audience, and not specifically for the legal sector. However, you can interpret these tips for your specific practice areas. Putting up detailed guides on your area of specialization is a particularly good idea because the law can be a topic that confuses and distresses the general public. You will attract potential customers by highlighting your expert knowledge.

SEO Must Be About More Than Your Website

This report explains how social media ties in with your search engine optimization and offline advertising campaigns. It suggests that social media won’t necessarily get you the attention of the general public by itself. It is better to use social media sites to get recommendations from previous customers to gain new clients for your law firm.

Google My Business Adds Awesome Features For Businesses

Google My Business used to be called Google Places. It ties in with Google+, which is Google’s rival to Facebook. As you would have seen from the league table in the first article of this roundup, Google+ is nowhere near as popular as Facebook. However, you should be registered with Google My Business, because it ties in closely with Google Maps, which is a widely used tool. That engagement will literally put your law firm on the map and will help improve your rankings on Google for local searches. This article explains some new features in Google My Business, including alerts when a new review is posted about your law practice.